This guide is for coaches who have additional permissions and responsibilities on the server.
Coaches can add new lessons using the interactive !add_lesson
command. This command will guide you through the process of setting up a new lesson by asking for details like the date, time, title, and coin cost.
The bot will ask you a series of questions, and you will respond with the lesson details:
Bot: Please enter the date for the lesson (DD/MM/YYYY):
User: 15/09/2024
Bot: Please enter the time for the lesson (HH:MM):
User: 14:00
Bot: Please enter the title for the lesson:
User: Advanced Python
Bot: Please enter the coin cost for the lesson:
User: 20
Bot: Lesson 'Advanced Python' on 15/09/2024 at 14:00 costing 20 coins has been added.
If you need to edit a lesson, use the !edit_lesson
command followed by the subcommand for the specific aspect you want to change. Subcommands include date
, time
, title
, and coin_cost
!edit_lesson [subcommand] [lesson_id] [new_value]
!edit_lesson date 1 16/09/2024
The bot will update the lesson's date and confirm the change:
Lesson 1 date updated to 16/09/2024.
To delete a lesson, use the !delete_lesson
command followed by the lesson ID. This will remove the lesson and unsubscribe all users.
!delete_lesson [lesson_id]
!delete_lesson 1
The bot will confirm the deletion:
Lesson with ID 1 has been successfully deleted.
Coaches can give coins to any user with the !give_coins
command. This is useful for rewarding users or providing them with the coins they need to subscribe to lessons.
!give_coins [member] [amount]
!give_coins @User 50
The bot will confirm the transfer:
50 coins have been added to User's balance.
Coaches can check any user's coin balance using the !balance
command, specifying the member whose balance you want to check.
!balance [member]
!balance @User
The bot will respond with the user's balance:
User has 120 coins.
Crusades are collections of lessons grouped together. You can create a crusade using the !create_crusade
!create_crusade [name] [cost] [lesson_ids]
Replace [lesson_ids]
with a comma-separated list of lesson IDs that belong to the crusade.
!create_crusade "Python Mastery" 100 1,2,3
The bot will confirm the creation of the crusade:
Cyber Crusade 'Python Mastery' created with ID 1, cost 100 coins, and lessons: 1, 2, 3.
Coaches can generate HTML reports of all activities, lessons, and user data using the !get_report
command. The report will be sent to the coach in a direct message.
The bot will generate and send you a report, like this:
Your report has been generated and sent to your DMs.
To view the balances of all users on the server, use the !all_balances
command. This command will list the balances for everyone, allowing you to see how many coins each user has.
All Balances:
User1: 150 coins
User2: 200 coins
You can view all subscribers for a specific lesson with the !show_subs
command. This command will list all the users subscribed to a given lesson.
!show_subs [lesson_id]
!show_subs 1
The bot will list all subscribers:
Subscribers for Lesson 1:
User1, User2
If you need to unsubscribe a user from a lesson and refund their coins, use the !unsub_lesson
!unsub_lesson [lesson_id] [member]
!unsub_lesson 1 @User
The bot will confirm the unsubscription and refund:
User has been unsubscribed from Lesson 1 and refunded 10 coins.
Finally, you can broadcast a message to all subscribers of a lesson using the !broadcast
!broadcast [lesson_id] [message]
!broadcast 1 "Reminder: The lesson starts in 30 minutes."
The bot will send the message to all subscribers of that lesson.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to the bot admin!